Foxglove - 7x10 Kilim Area Rug

$347.50 $695.00 (50% off)
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Style: Area Rug

Dimensions: 6'8” x 9'8" | 203.2 x 294.6
Condition: New

Primary color: Crimson Red
Accent color: Navy Blue, Midnight Blue, Forest Green, White, Black, Cherry Red

Origin: Made in Afghanistan
100% hand-spun wool
Construction: Flatweave

The rug showcased in the image is a vibrant and traditional piece, characterized by its rich, bold colors and geometric patterns. The dominant deep red hue provides a warm and inviting base, which is complemented by a variety of accent colors, including shades of indigo, black, and bursts of bright cerulean and crimson that add depth and complexity to the design.

This piece is a classic example of traditional rug weaving techniques, displaying a series of repeating motifs that could be indicative of a specific tribal or cultural style. The patterns suggest a strong adherence to the traditional designs that have been passed down through generations. The fringe along the edges adds to its authenticity, highlighting the handcrafted nature of the rug. It's a durable and eye-catching addition to any room that would add a touch of warmth and cultural richness.

Fair Trade. Authentic. Handmade.

This is a handmade, one-of-a-kind item. It is common for slight variations in wear, color and dimensions to occur. Depending on the lighting in your home and the light display setting on the device, the colors of our rugs may look slightly different in your home.

Ethically Sourced

We know what goes into our rugs and who makes them. We don't cut corners for you or the artisan.

Cleaning & Care

Handmade rugs with natural dyes can last for generations with proper care.


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