Kandinsky - 10x14 Area Rug

$2,885.75 $3,395.00 (15% off)
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Style: Area Rug

Dimensions: 10'0'' x 13’11" | 248.9 x 401.3 cm
Condition: New

Primary color: Cream
Accent color: Sage Green, Forest Green, Charcoal Grey, Black, Turquoise, Terracotta, Sky Blue, Mauve, Dusty Rose, Mustard Yellow, Beige

Origin: Made in Afghanistan
100% hand-spun wool
Construction: Flatweave

This striking rug, hailing from our Berber Bazaar Afghan Moroccan collection, is a celebration of natural beauty and traditional artisanship. Woven by the skilled artisans of Faryab Province in Afghanistan, it's a piece that tells a story of heritage and the human touch. The wool for this rug comes from the high mountains of Afghanistan, hand-spun with care to create a yarn that is as rich in texture as it is in history.

The rug itself features a bold, abstract design, reminiscent of the Berber style, with a compelling blend of shapes and colors that draw the eye. Warm earth tones mingle with cool blues and vibrant reds, creating a palette that reflects the diverse landscapes of Afghanistan. The geometric patterns and the play of colors give this rug a modern edge, while the hand-spun wool provides a connection to traditional rug-making techniques.

Whether it’s anchoring a room with its design or captivating guests with its craftsmanship, this rug is more than just a decorative piece. It’s a testament to the beauty of handcrafted art and a tribute to the rich cultural tapestry of the Afghan people. It promises to bring warmth, story, and an authentic global spirit into your home.

Genuine. Authentic. Handmade.

This is a handmade, one-of-a-kind item. It is common for slight variations in wear, color and dimensions to occur. Depending on the lighting in your home and the light display setting on the device, the colors of our rugs may look slightly different in your home.

Ethically Sourced

We know what goes into our rugs and who makes them. We don't cut corners for you or the artisan.

Cleaning & Care

Handmade rugs with natural dyes can last for generations with proper care.


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