Kilim Rugs

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Afghan kilim rugs, a testament to centuries of skilled craftsmanship, cultural heritage, and artistic passion. Each Afghan kilim rug in our collection tells a unique story, reflected in its vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and the luxurious feel of hand-spun Afghan wool under your feet. From traditional earthy tones to modern bright hues, our kilim rugs offer a blend of timeless elegance and contemporary style. These flat-woven treasures, handcrafted by skilled artisans in Afghanistan, are more than just beautiful home décor; they are pieces of history, works of art, and symbols of a rich cultural tradition. Experience the magic of Afghan kilim rugs with The Rug Mine and let their unique stories weave into the fabric of your home.

Learn more about our kilim rugs by clicking here.

Nina - 3x5 Kilim Runner Rug

$82.50 $275.00 (70% off)

Clove - 6x8 Kilim Rug

$257.50 $515.00 (50% off)

Kairi - 5x8 Kilim Rug

$232.50 $465.00 (50% off)

Gael - 3x13 Kilim Runner Rug

$151.50 $505.00 (70% off)

Kelce - 6x8 Kilim Rug

$252.50 $505.00 (50% off)

Aquilo - 6x8 Kilim Rug

$252.50 $505.00 (50% off)

Gon - 7x10 Kilim Rug

$342.50 $685.00 (50% off)

Bressi - 7x10 Kilim Rug

$342.50 $685.00 (50% off)

Amare - 6x8 Kilim Rug

$257.50 $515.00 (50% off)

Miriam - 3x6 Kilim Runner Rug

$162.50 $325.00 (50% off)

Dagan - 3x7 Kilim Runner Rug

$197.50 $395.00 (50% off)

Donato - 3x7 Kilim Runner Rug

$187.50 $375.00 (50% off)